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Governors at New Delaval Primary School

The following people sit on the Governing Body at New Delaval Primary School:
Mr Paul Struthers (Headteacher) - Appointed by virtue of position 
Mrs Ann Douglass - Chair of Governors  - Co-opted Governor 
Mr Michael Vintis- Vice Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor
Fr Sion Hughes Carew -Co-opted Governor
Mrs Wendy Burdon - Co-opted LA  Governor 
Mr Toby Hutton (Deputy Head Teacher) - Staff Governor 
Mr Robert Thompson - Parent Governor
Mr Stuart Snaith - Parent Governor
Mr Steve Riley - Co-opted Governor  
Vacancy - Parent Governor
Vacancy - Co-opted Governor
The role of the Governing Body in school is to work at a strategic level.  At New Delaval the full Governing Body meet once each term as a group to decide policy and ratify decisions.  There are various statutory duties to be fulfilled in relation the finance, policy and standards.
In addition members meet in sub committees to discuss all aspects of school life and to formulate policy to recommend to the full GB for agreement.  The frequency of meeting is determined by agenda.
The committees are as follows;
Policy and Resources including Staffing
Curriculum, Standards and Targets
Pupil Discipline
The two main committees that meet most are;
Policy, Resources and Staffing
This committee deals with all matters related to finance within the school, the budget construction and monitoring as well as staffing structures and appointments.
Current members: Mrs Douglass, Headteacher, Mr Vintis, Mrs Burdon, Mr Riley and Mr Thompson
Chair of Policy & Resources - Mr Vintis   
Curriculum, Standards and Targets
This committee meets to discuss matters in relation to the curriculum.  Members of this committee visit school to monitor policy.  They may meet with various members of staff to discuss particular subjects or strategy etc.  They set and review targets, whole school and key stage.
When members visit school they report back the whole GB at the next meeting.
Current Members; Headteacher, Mr Vintis, Fr Hughes Carew, Mr Snaith, Mrs Douglass and Mr Hutton.
Chair of Curriculum, Standards and Targets - Mrs Douglass 
In addition there are several members who have specific areas of responsibility;
Mr Snaith - IT
Mr Vintis - Maths & Pupil Premium
Mrs Burdon - English, Aspirations (including Gifted & Talented) & Wellbeing 
Mrs Douglass - SEND, Safeguarding, Creative Arts (inc D & T), Health & Safety
Mr Riley - Attendance, History & Geography
Fr Hughes Carew - RE & PHSE
Mr Thompson - Music 
Teacher and Staff Representatives
Mr Hutton  is a staff representative
Meetings are clerked by Mrs Rudd at Committee Level and Full Governing Body Level, Miss Bath. 
Minutes and copies of documents presented at meetings are held in school and centrally at Northumberland County Council.